Tuesday, November 4, 2014

no new story today

i got about a paragraph written after trying all day.

part of it is that i'm just so unhappy that so much of the country is dumb and voted for bully jerks.

hawaii didn't.  i think everyone i voted for is winning.  so, at least i get to live in one of the few places that doesn't suck.


1 comment:

  1. :(

    i really just don't understand people. i don't get how people can be so mean to other people, and be all "do what my religion says is best, but those other religions are coming to kill you." i don't get how making poor people feel worse about everything is anything other than punching people who you know can't hit back. it's just so sad that so many people are all about fear and anger and hatred.

    grump. super grump.

    i just hope in two more years, people see how shitty they've made things, and decide that maybe letting psychopaths run things isn't the best strategy.

    on a less sad note, i did get "glass" finished. all of my local candidates did win, so watching jerky losers be contrite and cute guys be all, "well, shit sucks, but we're going to do our best, ok?" was good. i know you'll never read this, but i'm super happy for you, mark takai!

    so, if i can edit it, and make it not suck (because it sucks. there's all this description stuff that is repetitive, and i need to sort it out better, but i'm not sure how, because english has like 99000 words for that thing, but for this thing, there's like three, so i'm just like "push" and "slides" and "push, fuck. synonym for push"), it might be out tomorrow. that's a bit unlikely, as it seems long.

    i might just give up when it's not painfully bad so i can get on with "food". it's not actually about food, but i really want to get it done and out. this is like twice as hard as the exercise/hanging problem i had last week.

