Monday, February 13, 2012

sammy panics too much, and that's no good

because it turns out that it's entirely possible that everyone else in the world is just as fucked up as me, it's just that i worry about it too much and that worry turns into horrible sick thoughts in my brain.

so i invited Date Girl to my place for valentine's day, and she said yes.  i don't know if i mentioned, but she might move away from hawaii soon, so she's trying not to put down serious roots.  still, even if things don't work out because of jobs and money and moving and stuff, i do think i've found someone who can be my friend here, however temporarily.

so now i'm worrying a bit about menus and making everything taste tasty, and making a good impression.  considering what i've been worrying about in the past, this is kind of minor stuff.

thanks for helping me, Everybody On The Internet.  i know i kind of shy away a lot of the time, and then come back all freaked out and crying, but a lot of you have been super supportive and helpful, and i do appreciate that.  i know it can't be easy to deal with somebody whose moods range from "psycho" to "slightly less psycho." i'm going to get my meds adjusted this week, and i hope that sorts some of that out.

i guess what i want to say is that i consider all of you my valentines this year, and i'm super grateful.

thanks a lot!


  1. Good luck with your v-day date... ;-)

  2. Not everyone feels the same. Not everyone feels the same about the way they feel.. That might be more important.

    Even though I haven't been following along this whole time, and only read a select handful of posts across this whole blog, this seems to be a fairly upbeat post and so I wish you continued non-awfulness :)

  3. thanks for the good wishes everyone! :)

    i've been feeling a bit down, because other than a "thanks for the dinner" email the next day, i've not heard anything from her. i responded to the email, but now feel like if i push it more, i'm going to look needy or something, so i've not wanted to keep poking. i'm kind of getting the impression that maybe she likes me, but not enough to try to make contact or plans or something. :(
