Sunday, February 19, 2012


i'm not sure if it's the changeover in my drugs, or my brain fixing itself, or what exactly.  things seem a bit better today.  here's some update stuff

  1. i still haven't heard anything from date girl.  i'm kind of getting the impression that she's not going to contact me again.  that's sucky, but i'm still taking a "whatever, bitch," view on it.  like it's her fault that she didn't want to do more stuff with me.  that's a good thing, i think.
  2. sleeping sucks, and remeron is totally not the best drug for me for that.  i tried again last night, and didn't get out of bed until like 2, and had really messed up dreams.  they were not nightmare dreams, though, so that's a plus. :)  i took more for tonight, so we'll see what happens.  i'm too afraid to take it on a work day, because i need to get up earlier than 2 for that.  however, being tired at work is kind of the problem i want to fix.
  3. my new drug is zoloft, which seems to have basically the same indications as my old celexa.  i'm switching between them, so my dose of both is half what it was or will be.  i'm noticing a generally better attitude than before, but i kind of had the same thing when i started celexa.  maybe it's all just a placebo effect?
  4. my libido seems to be less depressed this past week than it has been for like the past six months.  i'm going to try to get some porn stuffs up in the next post.  i don't think i'll have a theme, just random stuff i found that i want to share.
  5. i just want to thank everyone again who's stopped by!


  1. I never liked remeron when I took it either, the hangover was always killer... I found Diazepam to be pretty good whenever I took real sleeping pills. Currently this is the regime I follow to get to sleep, and it works better than anything else I find...
    1) Take a warm/hot shower 30 minutes or so before bed.
    2) Get out of shower and take a double dose of melatonin with warm milk.
    I find that works bizarrely well. Hope that helps :)

  2. i've not thought of it like a hangover, but that's probably the best description. i've had days where it's really hard to get out of bed, and i feel wonky all day. it's also weird because i get super vivid dreams, and i sometimes wake up in the dream, and then really wake up and get confused. i've started taking it earlier and earlier, and that helps a lot, and i'm sleeping way better than before. my doctor thinks i should take a sleep test, and see if they can figure out anything to more directly help.

    and now i'm going to be difficult, but i can't do your regime. first: my hair never dries right unless i spend like a half hour on it, and i hate hate hate trying to sleep with a soggy pillow. second: milk is gross, and not just because i don't digest it well. i really don't like the taste.

