Saturday, October 8, 2011

blah long time?

i feel weird about these posts. it's like "look at sammy, she isn't dead!" and that's not really what i'm going for. it's more, "yay, i didn't kill myself!"

and that sounds super emo. sorry.

basically i've been muddling along.  my therapist seemed in a big holding pattern last time i went, and was all, "let's talk about random shit instead of the things you feel."  i think that means i need to open up more, but that's hard to do, you know?

and my brain drugs are making me feel super weird.  i keep seeing thing,s and getting random panic attacks and things.  maybe this isn't the drug for me?

anyway, sorry for being crazy still


  1. just found your blog, wanted to say something encouraging, but can't think of anything that doesn't sound trite. At any rate - hope you find a balance between effectiveness and side effects on your medications.

  2. thanks for the kind words. i thought things were getting better, but i'm less sure of that now. everyone keeps saying "it's a process," but right now, i just want to stop being crazy.
