Thursday, September 10, 2015

so. remember how i'm still going crazy, but no one i see in real life notices anything?

guess who's getting a promotion at work?

like "we really appreciate everything you've been doing, sammy, so i'm trying to push through a good raise, and you'll have to do all the paperwork and stuff, but since i'm the one who makes the decision, i think you've got a pretty good chance."

so this is the point where i think i just shrug my shoulders, and accept that the entire world is fucking crazy, and i'm just one of the few people who can see the kuroko shuffling shit around.

i don't know.  yesterday i was planning on if i could just eat fried chicken until that killed me.  maybe i should eat a salad tomorrow?


  1. Replies
    1. thanks! it's still super weird to me, and nothing's actually happened yet, so i'm kind of worried because i bought a new laptop because my old one was broken a lot, but i'm typing this on that old broken laptop because i'm afraid i'll dump my late night drinks onto the new one.

      super weird.

      like, seriously. the whole world is just fucked up for everyone, and it's not fair that i keep pulling in pearls when everyone else gets shit on.

      side thought that i often find myself thinking about while reblogging junk on twitter: how are you doing? you've been blog-idle for a few months. i hope it's all going super wonderful for you. i see your stuff pop up every week or so (on the tumblrs). i reblog sometimes, but then i think i'm reblogging to get noticed, so i don't other times. i've turned this question i had for you into about me, and that's a jerk move. good job, sammy.

      but really, i hope you're just chugging away at being awesome, and your sunday (or whenever) is just the best it can be.

