Thursday, February 5, 2015

having a kind of clean apartment is weird.

like, i go to the bathroom, and it's not a disgusting mess.  i go to my bedroom, and there's like space to walk around and shit.  it's like being in someone else's house.

so today i got an email from my boss that was like, "what's up with this asshole?"  so i went to talk to him, and i told him, "oh yeah, he sent that email to me yesterday, but like i don't have time to drop everything i'm doing to magically solve all of his problems."

"i mean, duh, right?  who plans ahead so well that they're like 'i need this next week because reasons'?  that's clearly not a poop-it-out-in-a-day thing."

"plus, this is the same dick who was all 'tell me if i'm doing this right' last year, and when i asked 'like, tell me what you're doing?' he ignored me."

"ok, fine.  cc me on the email you send back, and be like, 'whatever, not going to happen, jerk-face'"

i mean, not really.  those aren't at all the words, but that was totally the vibe i got from it.  and seriously.  if you need something enough to put all sorts of "this is vital" and "URGENT!!!!!!!" in your email, maybe you need to plan more than like three days ahead.

i'm trying to do a post every day this week.  not really sure why, it just seems like the right thing to do.  hopefully this "clean apartment," "chatty kathy" feeling will stick around and i'll be able to respond to all my messages.

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