Saturday, August 2, 2014

yay for scheduling weird posts

so.  panic attacks.

that's basically been my week.  my bosses all "DO THINGS TO BE DONE!" while i'm like "I CAN'T!"

all day.

because i'm doing vacation next week, so it's all...not going to work and stuff.

but, because i have to set up everything so other people can do my work while i'm gone, i'ts totally all panic attacks.  which is totally wonderful.

except not.

i will totally get part two of spa treatment out soonish.

i seriously don't understand people who are like "here are nine parts, it's totes cool!"

no it isn't.  i spend hours on this shit, and it takes another "the hours" to edit it to not suck so much!

"Nicole blushed bright red, leaving Mona to laugh to herself as she reversed the girls' positions"

that's a sentence! unless i change it later to be less lame.  that's kind of sucky, right?  i really need to work on dialogue.  that's where characters come to life."


i'm going to sleep now, i'll try harder tomorrow, i hope you have a great saturday, kisses and loves,


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