Thursday, August 28, 2014

so sometimes i get messages

and they're just painful to read, right?  i put the worst bits up that i could find.

but, sometimes, i just feel bad reading a thing.  it's poorly written, and a bit rambly and non-sensical, but there's a heart in it, ok?  i can tell that this guy really tried to put his best message out, but it just blew up in his face.

so even though there are lots of weird things ("i like your hair"?  dude, even i hate my hair most days.  just because i killed it years ago doesn't mean i don't totally rock the hag hair), i'm not going to post them.

you tried, dude, and even though you were a bit silly, i'm not making fun of you for that.

i mean, it's not like you sent me six dick pics and told me how cool it would be to bury me underground and only feed me cum.

good for you for owning that awkwardness and not turning it into creepy.

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