Monday, January 30, 2012


see, it's an update, about me, about my date?  get it?

ok yeah, even i thought it was lame.

so i'm paranoid about this whole thing.  the date itself seemed to go well, but we kept it all strictly vanilla.  afterwards, she wanted details so we could chat, and so we did that a bit last night.  however, i tried to initiate a conversation tonight, and she was kind of terse and quiet.

so now i'm thinking i screwed it up somehow, and she hates me, even though i'm pretty sure everyone would say stuff like, "don't be dumb, she was probably just busy."  which she was, doing a job thing.  but it still kind of feels weird.  i also want to say something like, "hey, i kind of like you, but would like to get to know more about you and chat a lot about everything so i can tell things are working, and then we can move onto the kinky stuff that we both like, because i'd like to do that, but that's really something i'd need to be comfortable with you as a person to be cool with, and right now i'm not comfortable, and wish we could work on that."

but that's rambley and crazy sounding, i think.

plus, i have to play tour guide for a week to visitors from the mainland.  that kind of means i can't suggest we try to go do something this next weekend.

double plus, then it's like valentines day soon.  can you just have a "um, let's just talk and get to know each other" date for valentines?  i wish that she would take some of the lead, since she's the one who's the domme.


i'm open to suggestions if you have any.


  1. Well, I think if that's what you'd feel like saying than that's what you should say. But I never was a big fan of "the game" with a lot of prestigious bullshit, get to the point and speak the truth, that's what I would like to hear at least. Or you can just wait a couple of days and see if she's more chatty. Good luck :)

  2. thanks, that's totally the "stop being crazy, sammy" strategy. lol!

    i figured i'd wait a few days, and see if she contacts me, and if she doesn't, kind of come clean and apologize that i suck at conversation, and see what she says. i just don't want to come off as a crazy girl.

    even if i kind of am.

    thanks for the help! it's always good to hear other people with clear advice. :)
