Friday, March 30, 2018

The Exhibition: Rachael

The Exhibition: Rachael


Annie was lying on the couch, watching a video on her laptop.  The television was on, and she was randomly flipping back and forth between an animal documentary and a Japanese drama about a super-skilled female surgeon who makes all the men look dumb.  Suddenly she heard a gasp from around her feet, and felt the couch start shaking.  She looked over, and saw Sammy's shoulders heaving up and down.

"What's wrong, pet?  Come here," she said, pushing her laptop aside.  Sammy turned towards her, her face bright red and covered in tears.  "It's ok, come on, come here," Annie cooed as Sammy crawled up to lay on the couch with her.  She buried her face in Annie's chest, and wailed as she cried.

"It's ok, ssh, calm down," Annie said as she held Sammy close with her left arm while brushing her hair with her right hand.  Sammy continued to bawl into her, occasionally making gasping sounds as she tried to breathe.  She kept whispering into Sammy's ear, "I love you, pet, it's ok, we can sort it out together, I just need you to relax, ok?"

"NO!" shouted Sammy as she pulled free and jumped away, curling her arms around her legs as she rocked against the wall.  "IT CAN'T BE OK!" she screeched before putting her face into her knees.

Annie was shocked at this, and sat up on the couch.  "Pet.  Come here," she commanded as Sammy continued rocking.  She repeated her order in an icy voice, "Samantha.  Come.  Here."  Sammy looked up at her, and slowly crawled back to the couch, kneeling at Annie's feet.  She was looking down, until Annie reached over and grabbed her face with both hands.  "Come up here and sit with me, you can put your head in my lap and cry if you need to.  I'll be ready to listen when you want to talk, ok?  I just hate seeing you like this."  Sammy slowly crawled up, and Annie gently pet her head while she cried.

It took about ten minutes, but eventually Sammy's sobs died down, and she just sat quietly on the couch.  Annie kept petting her, feeling her leggings cooling from the puddle of tears.  "She's dead," Sammy finally said in a quiet voice.  "That's why it can't be ok."

"Who, pet?"


"No she's not, we saw her last week."

"No, not her!" Sammy said as she turned over to look at Annie.

Annie put her hand over Sammy's eyes, which were red and puffy.  "Ok, ssh.  Calm down, pet.  Tell me who you're talking about.  Start at the beginning, and explain it all to me, ok?"  She pulled her hand away and gave Sammy an exaggerated suspicious face.  "Were you secretly seeing somebody else when I thought you were locked up in your cage?" she asked in the conspiratorial voice.

"No, it's..." Sammy started.  "You know like a month ago when I threw my tablet and you yelled at me, and I cried, and you said you'd spank me, and then you smooshed a cupcake in my face instead?"

"Yes, and you mumbled something about a story you didn't like."

"No, see, I liked the story a lot, but there was a sequel, and then Master died, and it made me so sad and angry."  Sammy looked up at Annie, wondering if she sounded dumb.  "So because I was so angry, I didn't want to read any more."

"Makes sense," Annie agreed.

"But it's been bothering me ever since, like, that can't be how it goes.  Maybe it was a mistake or something and it's been going around in my head every time I do something mindless."  Annie bopped her on her forehead, smiling down at her.

"So, I decided I would try again, right?  Like, she wouldn't leave it like that, right?"

"Rachael?"  Sammy nodded.

"And she didn't.  Dare is all sad, and confused for most of the second part, but it ends happy, and it's all ok."  Sammy's face scrunched up, and Annie thought she might cry again.  "So I sent her an email when I finished, like, 'I'm sorry I doubted you, this is the best story I've ever read, and you're amazing.'  But I never heard back, and I kind of just assumed it was a 'I don't write porn anymore' kind of thing."

"But it's not, is it?"

"I mean, I should have figured it out.  Like everything she wrote is from like 2012 and stuff, but it just feels so unfair.  I just find her stuff, and read it, and she's been dead for six years.  I..."  Sammy trailed off as another sob shook her.

"I'm sorry, pet.  Things aren't fair sometimes.  I wish I could help, but some things just are."  Annie stroked Sammy's hair, occasionally reaching over to wipe tears away.  "Do you want another cupcake?"  Sammy shook her head, then reached around Annie, hugging her close.

"You're not allowed to die, ok?"

"I'll do my best, pet," Annie replied with a smile.

"You can't.  I don't want to be like Dare, and I don't want you to be like Rachael."

"You won't end up like that story.  There are people who already know what there job is in case I die.  You'll be fine."

Sammy hugged her tighter.  "No.  Not allowed."

"Maybe I'd just come back as a ghost.  A horrible ghost.  A horrible tickle ghost!" Annie said as she ran her fingers up Sammy's side, making her jerk to get out of the way.  "My soul can only rest when I've tickled the life out of you!" she said in her best Scooby-Doo ghost voice as she attacked Sammy.


The Exhibition: Rachael

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