Friday, June 19, 2015

this is a post

telling you that i'm mostly ok, but like "sammy ok", so you know.  like that.

i'm not sure about making that one post come back, because i really didn't remember writing it until i got the comment notice.  i don't like admitting dumb stuff, and i did some there.  i'll try to be less dumb.  sorry.

and i might randomly post a story that's an "exhibition" story, but is like five parts in the future.  mostly because it kind of all tumbled out of my brain on tuesday night, and it might be good to get it out while i have the ideas all together.  plus, i'm kind of stuck on part "the next parts that i had the idea for, planned out about half of, and then had my brain go dumb."

also i had a big thing on racism and stuff, but i couldn't put it together in a way that didn't sound stupid.  so.  um.  don't be racist.  it's bad.  i sound stupid, but maybe don't be racist.  if you are.  you're probably not.  so.  hey.  awkward.

good news that i tried to make a post for today sober, but then didn't because i couldn't:

i went to target and bought toilet paper and underwear!


no, see, this was a big deal.  back when my brain was junk, but not like super junk, i would often go to target after work, buy stuff that i needed, and then go home, ignoring the time that i got home.

but then super-junky-brain, and i couldn't work up energy to go anywhere that wasn't directly between work and home to get stuff.  so you then buy toilet paper at longs, where it's like $11 for a roll.

"you should get a costco membership, sammy.  they're cheaper than target, too"

ok, no, because costco that way is fucking crazy all the time, and costco the other way is like the other side of the island.

so blah.  i wanted to share, without really having much to share.

have a cookie.

1 comment:

  1. too late. i ate all the cookies. they are all gone, you get zero cookies.

    because all the potential cookies are in my tummy.
