Sunday, May 6, 2012

no story

it's just too fragmented, so i'm thinking i might just try to come up with something new instead.  here are the things i remember:

  • i was in a mall or market of some sort, and as i was about to go down some stairs, i saw there was a display on the first landing, with a girl in like a full pony-girl outfit, with strappy bits, and pony shoes, and a bit gag/harness that had blinders on.  i said, "oh, i want that," and the guy selling replied with, "it's just for the outfit, the girl isn't included." we both laughed at that, and agreed on a price. seven dollars.  seems a bit low.
  • "downstairs" was a bit area with lots of different tables like a farmer's market or something, with lots of different things for sale.  it was arranged in a loop, and i wandered through. around in the back side there was a stage with five or six girls all leashed together.  they were all for sale.  this is important because i knew later on that if i got caught, this was where i would end up.
  • after the loop market, i went over to a hotel, but didn't have a room.  this was where i was breaking the law and tempting the slave market.  somehow the plan was to get a room without paying, and then sneak out in the morning leaving the other people i was staying with in the hotel to face the consequences.  the guy at the desk gave me a key to room 768, and we went in to sleep.  at some point during the night, i got up (i was sleeping on the dresser?), grabbed my clothes (my panties and pants were together, like i'd taken them off together) and pulled them on, and then went out into the hallway.  when i passed the desk again, i threw the key on the counter, and said something like, "we didn't need the extra key" and kept walking before the guy could say anything.
  • once outside, i noticed that the hotel and everything was all lit up with color lights, like las vegas or something.  actually, the whole place kind of reminded me of aloha tower, but unless you live in hawaii, that probably doesn't help much. anyway, the hotel was the tower, and the market was the shopping area over to the side.
it was at this point where i woke up.  so, yeah, i'm not sure how much better i could have stitched that together.  maybe trying on the pony outfit, and getting trapped in the hotel room?  i don't know.

anyway, here's a link to a neat comic i found.  well, not really, i've been following the artist on hentai foundry, but it seems like some of these comics are things i haven't seen before.  anyway, i thought it was funny, but some of his other comics are messier and violent, so watch out maybe?


  1. Comic is way awesome. Thanks Sammy :)

  2. Yes, I like the comic, too - thanks!

    Do you know this doggygirl-episode of "Nana to Kaoru"?

    Dream: Great if your subconscious does provide you with interesting plots and creative ideas. Now if this just would work daytimes, too... ;)

  3. wah! holy crap is that a great comic! thank you very much, Mr. Veterinarian! i think i know what i'm reading this evening. ;)

    as for dreams, i do kind of have another one to put together and post. it's a weird one, though, and doesn't make much sense to me, but it was so vivid of a dream, i don't want to forget it.
