Sunday, April 22, 2012

why i like this stuff: mummification

i've always liked the idea of mummies, both from like historical stuff, and movies and things like that.  it always kind of felt like it'd be a fun thing, to be wrapped up super tight and unable to move any.  this kind of extends to sleep sack things too, as it's just a different way of getting to the end state: stuck in a smooth form with your legs together and arms tight to your body.

however, just recently, my best friend had a baby, and one of the things you do to babies to keep them quiet and calm is to swaddle them, by tightly wrapping them in a blanket or something.  this keeps their arms tight to their body, and they feel safe and comfortable, so they stay quiet.

i'm thinking that this might just be the same mental stuff.  maybe some people grow out of the swaddling phase, and others like me don't.  i just have the same idea that being mummified kind of has a safe and calming feeling associated with it.

any thoughts?


  1. hey sammy,
    I've thought about this a lot and there are so many things that go on for me with a mummification or sleepsack-type bondage. You have the overall pressure, which feels nice on your skin. There is the sense of having to let go, as someone else is in control of you physically. It's a form of complete surrender. It can be very mental as well, because every part of you is in bondage - there is no way you are getting out. Coupled with a hood, you have the sensory-deprivation too, which can both propel you into subspace, and also make whatever stimulation you do receive that much more intense. Closing off the senses of sight and sound makes the mind focus on whatever input it does receive - from the vibrator or exposed nipples for example.

    I really think of it as using your body (and tweaking its normal sensory input systems) as a way to achieve sexual pathways not obtainable any other way. This is something that kinky people do all the time, in many different ways. I don't even touch on some of the other aspects: being wrapped and kept as a sex object, sleepsack as punishment or storage, endurance training scenarios... There are a million ways of approaching a black sack.

    I think for outsiders who don't understand, the scenario can seem negative. Why don't you want to see her face? How come she's all covered up?

    But when you think of it in terms of a spa treatment, where you are wrapped from head to toe in something warm, or as you mentioned babies being swaddled - it may make more sense to think of it in those terms - it's ultimately a pleasurable sensory journey, no matter how scary or weird the gear might look...

    sammy, just let me know if you ever want to let me make you something...

  2. i agree with the letting go part, as it makes you trust whoever put you there. it's like the most super-trust possible, i'd think.

    and although i've totally gotten turned on the few times i've been in good situations (thank you, Mr. Saran and your wrap), i'm really starting to think of it in a more fundamental way. like the sexual stuff is just a response to being so comfortable. that sounds weird when i say it...

    i do agree that it's totally pleasurable, and despite the restriction on senses, takes the senses somewhere they don't normally go.

    as for making sammy is totally fat now, and wants to lose weight like wow...

    like wow.
