Sunday, April 24, 2016

ok. thanks, blogger?

something about https.  the like, less open web thing, right?  i think the government can still see you reading porn, but like, exxon can't see you reading porn.  why is everyone always so against porn, am i right?

there was another thing.  i.  i didn't read the thing, it was a thing, about stuffs, and my blogger account and how people (maybe?) can view it (maybe?).  some stuffs.



if you're like "what's drunk with sammy?" and it's all "tell me your mother's name!"

that is an uncool monster robot, so don't do that.  "what animals does sammy like?"  no!

bears, dogs, penguins, REGULAR THINGS, MONSTER BOT!

"ok, so maybe sammy is a bit paranoid..."  NO!  just, hey, maybe robots aren't always going to  be friendly.  now i'm re reading this and feeling dumb, and then re-re-reading it and thinking about friendly sandwiches.

so.  summary:

"sandwiches are good"
"drunking while drunk is super hard"
"something about burgers"
"i outlined 'play' a bit, and just need to stop being so fucking awful so i can write it.  it'[s not great, but it dials in a lot of fetishes, so, sorry for being so diverse."



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