Monday, January 18, 2016

i need to do an update thing

i'm 57 pages back on pixiv.  fucking forever back there.  i'm going to be delayed until like june.

ok, not june, but 57 fucking pages.  there's a lot of porn i need to consume before i'm up-to-date.

i did the therapy.  i'm not super optimistic.  it turns out "that seems like junky behavior" might actually be junky behavior.  she was all "i don't think you need drugs, but if we do drugs, it'd probably be the antidepressants that made masturbating so hard."  wonderful.

and she was kind of dismissive of my concerns.  not cool.  i'm beginning to think i got the best ever therapist first, and have been dealing with reject morons ever since.

so, i have three more dates scheduled.  maybe i'll stick to them, maybe i'll message her and suggest she go fuck herself.  i've spent a lot of showers wasting water thinking about how shit that session was.

i sucked at writing.  i was going to write a bunch, and then didn't.  no reason.  just didn't.  key has a new thing out.  it's a review, not a new story, but is like, "go read a book," and i have to be all "i have lots of books i haven't read!" because i'm shit at reading books.

"being shit" seems to be my new catchphrase for 2016.  sorry about that.

"so, hey, sammy.  got any thoughts on how to do 2016 better?"


  1. tell you to listen to music i like more.  not everyone is dead yet, so there's good stuff out there.
  2. finis some of the stories i aven't.
  3. determine why h doesn't always sow up.
  4. probablye should do 2 on my new laptop.
  5. tis one seems junk.
  6. try not to die.  "duh, that's easy." ha ha, live with this brain for a week, jerkington.
  7. "not all presidents can be insults."  fine, president fucksavelt.  douche quincy fuck-you.  james k wank.

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