Friday, March 14, 2014

so hey

i've been down lately

like way down.  i'm hoping it's just job stress.  my boss has been all "do this stuff! i know it's impossible, and you probably should be like five people, but you can do it all by yourself, because you're smart, so it needs to be done like, tuesday"

but like, no?  ok?  you want me to do something that's super hard to figure out, and you don't let me have any help, and i have to do it on a deadline so you can look good to your boss?  man, fuck you.

except i can't say that, because duh.  jobs.  fucking jobs.

anyway, a few weeks ago, somebody on (i think) motherless chat sent me this video.  it's been kind of cool to listen to, because it's kind of relaxing and all that.  i think the dude was trying to make a "stray"/"puppygirl" pun, because he was kind of all "did you catch that?"  yes, dude.  i caught that.  you're like 20% clever.

so, kind of a creeper, but pretty decent taste in relaxing music.

in any case...i'm concerned i need to go back to the therapist again.  there's a lot of brain stuff i can't really cope with most days.  kind of a constant drum of "no one will ever really love you, so if that's not happening, why bother dealing with 50 years of loneliness?"  thanks, brain.  i feed you yummy pizza, and you're all "let's be a dick to sammy, just for funsies."

so, you know.  hey.  i don't want to spawn a lot of "we love you, sammy," comments.  i know you're all cool like that.  and i know this is just how things sometimes go.  it's all hard sometimes, for everbody.  it's was hard.  this week has been hard.  this month?  guess what?  hard.


so i'll dry my eyes now, i guess.  tomorrow is a new day.  we'll see how it goes.


  1. I'm sorry you're having a tough time. Brains can be a blessing and a bane. I can say it's normal having those thoughts. I used to, and still do time to time.

    I even have a lovely fiance and yet my mind still tortures me.

    You have the strength, and you can make it.

    Also, if you think you need your therapist, you probably do, and it never hurts to go. Good luck.

    1. thanks for the kind words. i can tell it's not as bad as it was before. like there's this meta-sammy that tells me i'm being crazy, and that i need to not listen to the shit talk i'm spawning. i think that's what therapy gave me.

      it's just being under so much constant stress...and having no one to draw comfort from for realsies. no matter how strong i get, there's still some limit where i can't cope, and i'll break. that was pretty much what last night was.

      and i am still seriously thinking about going to do therapy again. i mean, it can't hurt, and having paid time off from work isn't a bad thing, right? ;)

      again, thanks for kind thoughts, and i hope your weekend is super cool.


    2. Stay strong, you'll be ok. Stress is sometimes good, it helps us change and adapt, too much and we end up overwhelmed. Learn to sip from stress, don't chug.
