Thursday, November 6, 2014

my brain is grumpy today

just.  all the grumps.

i hate these days.  i hate when i let external shit fuck with me to the point where i hate everything.

like people with loud cars, or stereos, or mopeds.  just this "whump whump whump" or "bzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzt" all evening.  i don't know why that's such a hard trigger, but it is.  i just hear this angry growl, and want to not hear it anymore.

today was a day i needed to cry.  i sat down, readied myself for the crying, and then turned the channel and watched a show about sloths.

did you know they only go down to the ground to poop?  imagine being all, "well, the ground is so down there...i'll just keep this poop for tomorrow, i guess."  sloths are kind of cool when you learn more about them.

but yeah.  i wish i could channel the tears when i want them.  i think that would help me fight stress more than i do now.

i just want a good ugly cry. :(

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