Sunday, June 26, 2016

recycling notes

not much, really

this one has been in my head for months, with the main point being the bag (again) and the breathing bottle with pee (which i had to go back and make sure i hadn't used, but i think that's in the story that i've been failing at rewriting for like a year and a half or so).

yesterday morning the "just toss on a sweater to go down the hall" idea came to me, and i decided to actually sit down and write it.  i thought it would take about an hour, and it took almost twice that.  :(

i also had to go back and add a note that the gag has a connection to the nose after being nearly done, because i realized that without the smell, it doesn't quite work the same way.  hopefully that's not super clunky.

having the vibrator tied to the level came to me while writing, and seemed like a fun way to end it.

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