Saturday, October 3, 2015


the news just said that a monk seal just died on laysan island.  i probably would have completely ignored it, but the name of the island jumped out at me.

i should read the latest chapter.


  1. Oh no! Poor seal!

    The latest chapter is not the last chapter, but rather the last for a little while :(. Which sucks, cause the shit is really about to hit the fan... But... Time! Where have you gone? I'll get back to Laysan some day - hopefully sooner than later...

    Thanks for the shoutout!


    1. ok, now i'm looking at this, and i think i edited it last night so it said latest instead of last. go me, drunk editing shit so no one remembers what the truth was.

      in any case, i meant latest. i can't know if it was "last" if i didn't read it. i should probably read it, since my worries haven't ever come true before.

      and yes. time. i have so many story starts i can't get to to finish because i can't make me focus long enough to make them real.

      i hope your time works better for you, so you can do more writing. i hope my time doesn't make my brain suck so i can do more writing.

