Saturday, July 25, 2015

party dream

we're all outside, and having this giant picnic.  i know no one there, but am offered enough drinks that i eventually get to a stable point where it's not just a giant panic attack.

"hey, we're going to go watch the movie!" so we all start heading inside.

she walks up, holding a garbage bag.  "is that empty?" she asks, pointing at the champagne bottle sitting next to me in the grass.  i pick it up, and swirl it, and we both see that it's still about half full.  "seems like a waste.  pop it open."  just from the swirling, it's become agitated and the cork pops out (ok, so it hits the wall, so we're inside now?  dream scenery is hard).

she takes the bottle, and takes a long drink before passing it back to me to finish.  she then takes my hand and we go off to watch the movie.

which is a documentary about tax collection in england.  because why not.  it's a dream, so you can watch anything at all.

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