Wednesday, June 5, 2013

internal monologue

"whoa, someone messaged me on that dating thing."

"yeah, but you're messed up and weird, and it'll never work out."

"but if we just avoid everyone, what's the damn point of having a dating thing?"

"because maybe someone would send us a message."


"yeah, but it was probably a mistake.  she doesn't know you're really fucked up."

"but i clearly said, 'i'm kind of fucked up.'"

"everyone says that, she probably thought you were like 'oh, i forget my umbrella on rainy days.''

"that's fucking crazy"

"no, you're fucking crazy."

sometimes my brain is a jerk.

sometimes i just have to say stuff, and shoot it out into the world, and i don't really expect a response.


  1. You're adorable, sammy. Even with the crazy!

  2. :-P she even was like: "you claim you're crazy. I DARE YOU TO RESPOND!"

    how can i not?

    i hope she's understanding when i breakdown and look crazy.

  3. so i responded, with the totally sammy "hey, maybe let's eat sushi this weekend?"

    i've done the best i know, so we'll see how this happens.
