Wednesday, May 1, 2013

today was an unhappy day

i mean, having someone else fuck up my car totally sucks.  i think it's all ok, but being there going "you're fucking up my car!" is not a fun way to spend an evening.



happy thoughts

here's the "clean" version of the half-dream/half-daydream i've been having after waking up too early for my alarm:

i'm awake, but i have help.

first, they wrap me in like linen bandages.  legs individually, torso, maybe a bit of extra fun around the breasts, then down my arms, individually again, folding my hands into loose fists.

mummy sammy!

next, the leather.  they scoot me into leather pants, which somehow don't bunch up the linen?  dream magic is cool.  anyway, they end in foot-mittens.  or...i guess they're just leather tights? next up is the straight jacket.  arms in position, wrap around my tummy, locked in place.  also locked to the pants.

there's a bit of a hood, but nothing too harsh.

finally, a sleepsuit kind of over-thing.  it's a single piece that covers me from toe to head, compressing my legs together and holding my arms tightly to my torso.  there are appropriate holes where needed, but tightly covers me, and holds the leather second layer in place.  there are rings at my head and at my feet, and i know they're so i can be suspending in whatever position necessary.

and, unlike usually, this is where i wrap up in my sheets and pillows, and usually go back to sleep all happy and warm feeling.  :)

happy thoughts!


  1. What happened to your car??
    Nice dream, sounds like a neat bodysuit. "Dream magic" :P

  2. lol dream magic. it's always there to make impossibilities not so impossible. :-P that's pretty much how random dream stories work. it's always acceptable if you're magicing things to work.

    my car turned out ot be ok. i was really pissed though that the parking lot jumped up and hit my car, and i thought it was leaking, but it turns out that the ac leaks sometimes, so i was just hypersensitive to something normal.
